
TOON TOWN..............

Late night goof balls....
Rode trip with Haden and Mommy stuck in the back!!! Uuuuuggghhh!!!
Haden being BIG having coffee
Back window bubble
Party #1...more coming..

The past weekend was good. We (Sheldon, Haden, Bob and I) piled in the truck loaded all of our bikes and headed to the dust and grit of the Saskatoon track. YIKES....I now know how bad I am on sand and how much power you need to do the same thing on plain DIRT!!!! More 'bout that later. Jen Affleck (just so u know i'm not talking 'bout myself) was kind enough to let us crash there a few nights. Kevin even ventured away from the farm life to hang with us...THX GUYS!!!! Stopped to see Ben and Angela (my bro), and then got our FILL of Starbucks....if I seen another "green tea" frapuccino I might turn "green"..hee hee.
All for now, I'll post some more later of the dunes & stuff.


Anonymous said...

looks like ur having alot of fun!

Anonymous said...

Hey, your pictures are always so great to look at. That fisheye lense is so much fun. What kind is it?
Look forward to seeing more!

excess.modality said...

RE: Fish Eye
It is a Pentax smc P-DA Fish-Eye 10-17mm F3.5-4.5 ED (IF)
You can buy the attachments for any lense off ebay...for 30.00ish BUT they aren't a true fish eye as the range of view is not 180 degrees. I splurged and got the true Pentax lense quality...i luv it!!!
