

This isn't the best quality photos b/c I stilled framed them off digital video BUT none the less they are still cool!!! This truck does not die. It has taken Bob's continuous abuse and still starts up for another beating!!! This is really FORD TOUGH!!!


ps maybe someday I'll find a mov to wmf converter and I'll post the vid.


Anonymous said...

What a bunch of idiots!!!! I mean that in the nicest way but those pics just look stupid!! I hope they were wearing seat belts and helmets!!

Call me some time

Jordie B said...

Wow does that look like fun! That truck sure can take a beating.

Anonymous said...

i am calling the feds on those muffin heads 4 cruelty against fords

excess.modality said...

muffin head, sounds like a term my bro Ben uses....so much for being anonymous..HAHAHAHAHAH....good comment...keep 'em comin!!!
