
Cute Pitooty

Sorry the blogging has slowed down. My laptop has been on holidays. And I'm not overly keen on sitting in the rec room in the basement and freezing my butt off!! So, until then once in awhile...k? Haden got an early Christmas present, Curious George. He absolutely loves HIM!!! He was too awkward to wrap so we just gave him to Haden. They have been inseperable since. He even needs him to eat with him and have a bib!!!

Kids are GREAT entertainment!!



Anonymous said...

glad he likes george!!!

Anonymous said...

Whoa curious george is soooo cool!! WHEN ARE YOU GUYS COMING HERE??

excess.modality said...

Jess, we got delayed on our passports (thx...expert photo dpt. WAL-MART X*$>..). As soon as we get them, then we'll book our flights b/c of the back up we didn't want us to be ready to fly and no passports!!! SOOOO we're thinking mid March....will that still work for you???
cheers. jh

Anonymous said...

YES!! Awesome. Just let us know we will be here! YIPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
