
Look out Haden can skate!!!!

Our hockey enthusiast.
Getting our gear on.

Our winter shot.
Look at his face...isn't it hilarious???

Some of you will know we have a rink literally 100 ft from our house. It's great cuz we slap on our skates and go out the back door and SKATE!!! So I have a feeling winter for Haden will consist of a lot of time out there!!! We bought him Bob skates a few days ago and he did wonderful!!! They learn so easily at this age...if only we could keep our learning curve up like that!!!!

I have soooo many pics I have to organize and post. Winter has been fairly adventurous so far!!! With Christmas coming up...my camera will most certainly get some more use!!! :)


Anonymous said...

He's lookin' good out there on the ice. One more sport to check off the list. Motocross, Skating...what will be next???

Anonymous said...

Nice pics! Looks like alot of fun. I was trying to remember the last time I've ice skated... Mom says shes going to get my skates out =0) this should be interesting. I really like the family pic!

excess.modality said...

i can just imagine what you guys will have your tiny tike doing....Kev will have "IT" on the ice fast, too!!!:)

excess.modality said...

ooops, i'm referring to kev and jen....the other comment is a kev and jess...cool, heh??? have fun on your dusty skates, Jess!!!:)
